Mapdr Talking About Health Benefits of Green Tea

Mapdr Talking About Health Benefits of Green Tea

Since the beginning of time people in China, as well as Japan, have been drinking green tea due to its soothing taste and health benefits. Research has shown that green tea can help prevent heart disease, assist in managing Type 2 Diabetes, and aid in maintaining bone health.


Although green tea is made of the same leaf like black tea, green tea leaves do not undergo fermentation in accordance with researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH). This is not just preserving the tea's green color , but increases its antioxidants and could explain why it's considered to be healthy.


Here's a summary of the health benefits green tea has and dangers, and tips to incorporate it into your daily diet.



Drinking green tea every day can to prevent certain chronic health issues and help manage other health conditions. So far, studies have found green teato be:


May Improve Mental Health


There's a scientific explanation as to why drinking hot cups of green tea is such a relaxing experience. The tea, along with some mushrooms, contains an amino acid known as theanine. According to research published in a study of 2021 Molecules could:


  • Relieve stress

  • Induce relaxation

  • Combat anxiety from caffeine


The caffeine-based stress reliever can help combat anxiety.


Green tea is the one with the highest levels of theanine, compared to other teas like black, oolong, and white teas as per a research investigation published in Pharmacognosy Magazine.

A review in 2020 that was released in Plant Foods for Human Nutrition discovered that taking between 200 and 400 milligrams (mg) supplement with theanine every day reduced anxiety and stress levels in people subjected to stressful circumstances.


Another study in 2019 released in Nutrients and involving 30 participants with no serious psychiatric disorders discovered that those who consumed 200 mg of theanine over a period of 4 weeks showed greater improvement in anxiety, depression, and sleep than those who took a placebo.


Both studies have highlighted the positive effects on the mental health of theanine, the amount of theanine utilized was much greater than the amount that is found in one or two cups in green tea (approximately 8 mg per cup, as per McGill University).

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